Sunday, January 19, 2014

2014 Player Evaluations Schedule and FAQs - IMPORTANT

2014 Player Evaluations FAQs

When are the evaluations for the 2014 spring season?   
Sunday, January 26th and Saturday, February 1st; from 9:00AM – 1:00PM.  Please see the enclosed schedule for more detailed information.

Who can try out for the Minor League?  
All 7-10 year old children who have played at least one year of baseball are eligible to try out for the Minor League.  7-8 year olds that do not try out for Minors will automatically be placed in Farm.

Who can try out for the Major League?   
All 9-12 year old children who have played at least one year in the Minor League are eligible to try out for the Major League.  9-11 year olds that do not make Majors will automatically be placed in Minors

Who are the evaluators?  
Sturbridge Little League is pleased to announce that the evaluators for 2014 will be players from the Assumption College Baseball team.

What criteria must be met for draft eligibility?  
All players are rated on five skills.  All scores are averaged and players must meet a minimum average score to be eligible for the draft(s).  The minimum required score and the specific scores for each child are not made public.

Will someone tell me my child’s score after the evaluations?  
No.  Individual scores are NOT published or made public.

When will I know which league and team my child has been assigned to?   
All players that are assigned to Majors and Minors teams will be notified in early February of their assignments.  Notifications for T-ball and Farm will occur closer to the start of the season.

If my child qualified by their try-out score, will s/he be automatically placed on a Minors/Majors team?  
Although your child may have qualified to be drafted, that does not guarantee placement into a specific league.  All players who meet eligibility requirements are available to be drafted, however there are a limited number of slots available in each league, and not all qualified children will be drafted.

When will I know my child’s team assignment?   
Team rosters for Majors and Minors will be announced in early February.

What if my child decides not to play on his/her assigned team?  
Declining team assignments may result in forfeiting placement in that league.

Will my child be able to switch teams if s/he doesn't like the coach or teammates?  
All team assignments are final unless extenuating circumstances occur.  Special requests must be submitted in writing to the Player Agent (

Should you have any questions or concerns about evaluations or the process, please contact
Laura Hunter, Player Agent


8:30 – 10:30AM          Registration and Check-In – Tantasqua Jr. High Gym – 2nd Floor

In-Person Registration – If registering at the try-out event please arrive early and bring all required documentation and payment.  Checks are made payable to Sturbridge Little League


Upon arrival, please make sure to check in at the registration table to verify the League has all your documentation.  You will not be evaluated if you have not yet submitted a registration form with payment, a copy of your birth certificate, the health insurance form, and photo/video release.  There are NO exceptions.

If you registered online and still need to submit paperwork please bring it with you.  Birth certificates are required to verify league age and determine try-out placement.  If you do not bring your child's birth certificate, s/he will not be evaluated.

8:30 – 9:00AM                   Minor League Warm-Ups
9:00 – 11:00AM                 Minor League Evaluations
10:30 – 11:00AM               Major League Warm-Ups
11:00 – 1:00PM                 Major League Evaluations
Please have kids bring their gloves and dress appropriately – wear sneakers - cleats are not allowed in the gym.  Hats are recommended.

No food or drink (other than water) is allowed in the gym.  Water will be available for purchase.

Parents:  please be respectful of the players, the evaluators, and the process at all times.  Anyone engaging in unsportsmanlike behavior will be asked to leave the gymnasium immediately.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

FREE Tunnel Time at Top Prospect! Reserve NOW!

Dear Parents:
The Sturbridge Little League has partnered with Top Prospect Baseball Academy ( in Auburn to offer Tunnel Time for Sturbridge Little League Players that are registered for the 2014 season to utilize their facilities and equipment (at no cost to families).

This is for players league age 7-12. The first 3 sessions are:
*Saturday January 18th 4-6 pm
*Sunday January 26th 4-6 pm
*Sunday February 2nd 4-6 pm

If you would like to take advantage of this great opportunity please contact me, Al Laskowski, via email: and let me know which day you would like to come. Each session is designed to last 1 hour but kids can stay the 2nd hour if space is available. Kids will be grouped by age and a maximum of 8 kids will be assigned to each tunnel.

There are 3 Tunnels available for each of these 2 hour sessions specifically for Sturbridge Little League players. Hitting will be the primary activity but kids should still bring their gloves. Sturbridge coaches will be on site to help facilitate the use of these tunnels, but we welcome any parents that are also willing to volunteer to help out.

Please be respectful of other players while using the tunnels / equipment and please share the resources fairly.

First come first serve - so email me your preferred day(s) to come right away.


Al Laskowski