Sunday, August 31, 2014

UPDATED -- 2014 SLL Fall Ball - Week One Schedule

Happy Labor Day weekend to our SLL families!

I hope everyone settled in to their first week back to school and had fun exploring new classrooms and meeting new classmates.

As mentioned in previous communications, the weekly schedule will be updated here each Sunday with the times and locations for the coming week's games and practices.

Please subscribe to the blog to make sure you receive the information as soon as possible.

 - Uniforms will be distributed at the end of the week.  Players will receive Fall Ball shirts and hats.  To complete the uniform, please make sure to have grey pants, green socks*, and a green belt.  

*Last year, players elected to wear pink socks in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month.  WICKED! The boys totally ROCKED their PINK socks and created quite the buzz.

 - As the seasons change, it will get chilly out there, especially for morning and evening games.  Come prepared!  Have a jacket or sweatshirt available and wear a long sleeved shirt under your team jersey as you are not allowed to cover your team jersey while on the field.

 - Stay hydrated!  Even if it's not blazing hot, you need to stay hydrated.  Make sure to have a enough to drink to last throughout the game.

 - Concessions and Fan Gear!  It is our hope to offer concessions at the Burgess Bullpen for our weekend games.  We may have a slightly limited menu, but will surely have beverages, snacks, and hot dogs.  We will also be offering a selection of SLL fan gear this season!  We will be taking orders for sweatshirts, jackets, polo shirts, long sleeved t-shirts, and other SLL items.  Stay tuned for more information!

CHALLENGE:  I know most all of you are aware of and have perhaps participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  Kudos to you!  I am putting out this CHALLENGE to our SLL Fall Ball families ...

You have 15 days to donate $5 per player to the SLL ALS Ice Bucket Challenge fund.  If we raise $250 by September 15, 2014, we will have a group ice bucket dump and in turn nominate all our competing fall ball towns to do the same.  If successful, we could raise a considerable amount of money for ALS!

So, let's DO THIS!  Donations should be made in cash and handed in to your Manager or directly to me.  I will update the blog with our progress - let's see how quickly we can get to $250!

And now, what you've really all come to this page to see ... the SCHEDULE!



Saturday, September 6, 2014
  9:00AM - Sturbridge @ Grafton
11:00AM - Sturbridge @ Grafton

Sunday, September 7, 2014
11:00AM - Sturbridge @ Shrewsbury

TBA - Check with your Manager for information on practice days/times/location.

STURBRIDGE MAJOR - GOLD - Coach Gidopoulos

Saturday, September 6, 2014
10:00AM - Quaboug @ Sturbridge GOLD

UPDATED - Sunday, September 7, 2014
10:00AM - Sturbridge GOLD @ Sturbridge GREEN

TBA - Check with your Manager for information on practice days/times/location.


Saturday, September 6, 2014
  3:00PM - Charlton @ Sturbridge GREEN

UPDATED - Sunday, September 7, 2014
10:00AM - Sturbridge GOLD @ Sturbridge GREEN

TBA - Check with your Manager for information on practice days/times/location.


Saturday, September 6, 2014
12:00PM - Chartlon @ Sturbridge

Tuesday, September 9, 2014
  6:00PM - Sturbridge @ Charlton

Wednesday, September 10, 2014
  6:00PM - Sturbridge @ Leicester

TBA - Check with your Manager for information on practice days/times/location.

STURBRIDGE AA - Coach Troyse

Saturday, September 6, 2014
  4:00PM - Sturbridge @ Dudley

TBA - Check with your Manager for information on practice days/times/location.

If your have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fall Ball Team Assignments sent ...

Check your email!

Team assignments for 2014 Fall Ball have been sent!

The September game schedule is in the works and this post will be updated with the final rosters and practice schedule for weeks one and two by Friday afternoon.


Monday, August 18, 2014

The HIGHLY Anticipated FALL BALL Practice Schedule!

We are SO close to the start of the 2014 SLL Fall Ball season.  Have you been practicing?  Are you ready?  Are you really READY??

Coaches and players will gather for group practices/evaluations this week to determine team placement.  It is our plan to announce the rosters and a tentative schedule after the District meeting this weekend.

Haven't signed up yet?  Wait ... what????  You haven't ... WHAT are you waiting for??? 

Get on over the SLL website and register TODAY!

Feel free to drag ... err, I mean ... bring ... yes, bring friends along who haven't signed up yet or are unsure what SLL Fall Ball is all about - we will accept registrations at the field.  (Family, friends, and players from our surrounding towns are welcome to register for SLL Fall Ball - so spread the word!)

Pre-Season Practice/Evaluation Schedule

Wednesday, August 20: 6 - 8:00PM - Burgess Upper
     Wednesday's practice will give players an opportunity to run around and have some fun while shaking off the summer sand.  Players should come prepared to play ball - dress appropriately and bring whatever gear makes you rock the diamond!
     Coaches will be evaluating your "mad skills" on the field and behind the plate and determining best group placement.

Thursday, August 21: 6 - 8:00PM - Burgess Upper
     Thursday's practice will see players divided into appropriate age/skill groups and will focus on the basics (hitting, fielding, running.)  Players should expect to be shifted between groups as needed.

Friday, August 22: 6 - 8:00PM - Burgess Upper
     Friday will be your final chance to impress the scouts (okay, not really, but you should play as if scouts were there!)  If we have everyone there on Friday, we'll split the players into "teams" and scrimmage.

Concessions will be open with a limited menu.  Most likely hot dogs, popcorn, and drinks.

Have questions?  Comments?  Suggestions?

Email Dave Yarter - your friendly Fall Ball Director at

Send this message to everyone you know that might want to know about SLL Fall Ball.