Saturday, September 22, 2012

A-Yar Delivers!

There were no sad faces for the Sturbridge players leaving the Town Barn field this beautiful first morning of fall.  In their second match up of the season, the Tornadoes secured the win over Dudley with a walk off single hit by Alex "Two-Hands" Yarter. (Really proud Mom!!)

The Sturbridge Tornadoes arrived to somewhat muddy field conditions, but didn't let that get in the way of playing their best and taking the season to 2-2.  Dudley brought out their bats early on in the game bringing three home in the first two innings.  It could have been more.  A big hit into center field was fielded quickly by Andrew and held the runner to just two; and two steals on home ended in outs as Alex and Devin and then Alex and Conor tagged them at the plate.  (Really, really proud Mom!!)

The second half of the game was all Sturbridge.  Key walks and passed balls brought in the first Sturbridge run and two more quickly crossed the plate to tie the score.  In the top of the sixth, the "Rocket", Roman K. took the mound and fired in pitch after pitch.  Two hits back to the pitcher were easily fielded and Sturbridge put two away in the blink of an eye.  As the last Dudley batter headed to the plate, Roman slipped in three more strikes leaving the score tied.  It was all up to the Sturbridge bats.

David, Ryan, and Devin walked to load up the bases.  Despite hard swings, Dan lost his battle with the pitcher for the first out of the inning.  Alex nervously walked to the plate and settled in taking a ball and a strike before slamming one into left field bringing David in for the winning run!

A well played game and a well deserved win!

NEXT GAME:  September 23 @ 2PM in Leicester.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mosquitoes be damned!

With the growing threat of EEE and WNV, many neighboring towns have cancelled evening games making the original game schedule pretty much trash - and we've had to start all over again.  Week two brought about many changes to schedules, teammates, and locations.

First we must say goodbye and good luck to some of our more senior players as they move up to the more advanced teams.  Best wishes to Daniel, Jake, Marcus, and Will!

It was a beautiful weekend for baseball and we welcomed our new players to the team under glorious blue skies (as evidenced by my blazing pink forehead).  Aidan, Andrew, Calvin, and Dylan joined the Tornadoes just in time for our home opener against Oxford.  It was a tough match-up and despite the boys best efforts, it was the second loss for the Tornadoes.

But what do you do when you've fallen?  You get back up!  You try again!  You play harder!  That's just what this Sturbridge team did - and it paid off.

Charlton hosted our second game of the weekend and again the weather didn't disappoint.  There wasn't a cloud in sight and a calm cool breeze kicked up fallen leaves.  After a quick warm up, the boys filtered into the dugout awaiting instruction from Coach Yarter.   The first two innings saw idle bats and frustrated players.  Charlton scored three and the collective Sturbridge shoulders slumped.

Just then, in the midst of the third inning, with bases loaded, Roman slipped a grounder toward first base and the first Sturbridge runner crossed the plate.  GAME. ON.

Both teams held each other at bay in the fourth inning, and in the fifth - the Sturbridge bats exploded!  Matt popped one into right field landing him on first base - Conor answered with a hit of his own, and Sturbridge had two on.  Nick kept his eye on the ball and walked to first loading the bases for Roman.  This is what every kid waits for!  Roman came through and slammed one into the outfield.  Coach Yarter waved the boys in holding Roman at third as the ball was launched to the catcher.  Was he going to make it?  Could it be ... ? Those lanky legs slipped across the plate just as the catcher swiped Nick on the shoulder ... "OUT!"


But it didn't matter - the boys had momentum.  And the score was tied.

Charlton answered with one of their own but our hometown boys held them and the teams changed sides.  This was it.  Their last ups.  Their last chance to score.  Dylan walked.  Little Papi walked.  Calvin put up a good fight, but lost the battle with three strikes.  Ryan WALKED.  Alex W-A-L-K-E-D!  As Dylan crossed the plate - the scoreboard equaled out for the second time.

Matt took to the plate and settled in to his stance.  Again, the bases were loaded.  This is every boy's DREAM!  With a solid hit, Matt easily headed to first bringing another Sturbridge run in.  Conor rammed one into the outfield and two more runners crossed the plate.  Nick grabbed his bat and bellied up.  Everyone was watching - could he deliver?  As the bat connected, the ball flew through the gap between first and second and Matt and Conor roared around the bases to score two more.  And just like that ... inning over - 5 runs scored - Mercy Rule.

Sturbridge - 8; Charlton - 4

Conor the Closer kept Charlton at bay in the bottom of the sixth with spot on pitching and a snagged drive back to the mound and the Sturbridge Tornadoes finally tasted victory.  Sweet, sweet victory.

Congratulations boys ... can't wait for the next one.

I hope I represented the plays accurately - if not, my apologies!
Oh, and I forgot to charge my camera, so no pictures from today either ... boooo.  If anyone has any shots they'd like to share, please email them to me so I can post them on the blog!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

2012-13 Board Elections!

Sturbridge Little League 2012-13 Board elections will be held THIS Wednesday evening.  CLICK HERE for more information.  

This is your opportunity to get more involved.  It's up to us (parents) to ensure that our children have a positive experience playing a sport they love.

Not sure what you can do?  Check out the SLL website (link above) and inquire as to what seats are open and how YOU can help!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Game 1 vs. Dudley 9/8/12

It was a beautiful morning in Central Massachusetts and Team 2 (we must come up with a better team name!) headed out to Dudley for the first game of the Fall Little League season.  The players gathered on the field for warm ups and a pep talk from Coach Yarter.  

As the visiting team, we were first at bat with a line-up to be envied and feared by all.  The boys were a little shaky in the first inning with just one base hit and the teams quickly changed sides.  As the coach called out names, the green and gold scattered to their positions and a confident Conor K. boldly took to the mound.

Players pitched, caught, batted, ran, and crossed home plate in a flurry of activity over the next few innings.  Despite only having had one-two hour practice prior to the game, the boys played like a team!  Could it be that the sibling phenomenon will be the biggest asset of the Sturbridge Team 2 (c'mon people, give me something! Sturbridge Storm?  Sturbridge Miners - for the Tantisques Reservation?  Maybe the Sturbridge 29ers - representing 1729, the year Sturbridge was settled?)

My congratulations to the boys for a well played first game.  Despite the 6-4 (or was it 6-5) loss, there was some fantastic pitching by Conor, Will, Jake, and Danny - some incredible hitting (WTG Marcus!) and great fielding all around.

NEXT PRACTICE:  Sunday, 9/9/12 - 10am, Town Barn Field

NEXT GAME: Thursday, 9/13/12 - TBA, Brookfield

Conference on the mound.
Line drive double!