Saturday, September 22, 2012

A-Yar Delivers!

There were no sad faces for the Sturbridge players leaving the Town Barn field this beautiful first morning of fall.  In their second match up of the season, the Tornadoes secured the win over Dudley with a walk off single hit by Alex "Two-Hands" Yarter. (Really proud Mom!!)

The Sturbridge Tornadoes arrived to somewhat muddy field conditions, but didn't let that get in the way of playing their best and taking the season to 2-2.  Dudley brought out their bats early on in the game bringing three home in the first two innings.  It could have been more.  A big hit into center field was fielded quickly by Andrew and held the runner to just two; and two steals on home ended in outs as Alex and Devin and then Alex and Conor tagged them at the plate.  (Really, really proud Mom!!)

The second half of the game was all Sturbridge.  Key walks and passed balls brought in the first Sturbridge run and two more quickly crossed the plate to tie the score.  In the top of the sixth, the "Rocket", Roman K. took the mound and fired in pitch after pitch.  Two hits back to the pitcher were easily fielded and Sturbridge put two away in the blink of an eye.  As the last Dudley batter headed to the plate, Roman slipped in three more strikes leaving the score tied.  It was all up to the Sturbridge bats.

David, Ryan, and Devin walked to load up the bases.  Despite hard swings, Dan lost his battle with the pitcher for the first out of the inning.  Alex nervously walked to the plate and settled in taking a ball and a strike before slamming one into left field bringing David in for the winning run!

A well played game and a well deserved win!

NEXT GAME:  September 23 @ 2PM in Leicester.

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