Monday, February 25, 2013

Welcome, welcome 2013 SLL Minor Cardinals!

Hello Cardinals!

On behalf of Coach Nikki, Coach Chuck, Coach Joe, and myself – Congratulations on being selected for Minors, and welcome to the Sturbridge Little League Minor Division Spring 2013 season!

Scott, Devin, Evan, Joshua, Matt, Jameson, Tyler, Joseph, Connor, Matt, Alex, and Ben …


Dig out those gloves, dust off those cleats, and get in ready positions.  This will be a season to remember!

Over the next few months, practice and game schedules will be drafted and posted on the official Sturbridge Little League website.  You should bookmark this page and check it periodically.  In order to assist me in my communications to you and your parents, I am asking for you to provide me with a preferred email and phone number.  It is very important for me to have this information in case of changes to schedules, practice or game cancellations, and other general League and team information.

To assist the coaches in getting to know you better, we are asking you to complete the attached Player Profile form.  This will give us an idea of how much fielding experience you have and what your preferences may be as well as new positions you may want to explore. 

PARENTS:  A successful season requires everyone to be involved as much as possible – this includes you!  I’ve appointed my wife, Laura, as Parent Coordinator and Bench Mom.  She will assist me in identifying areas where you, the parents, can get involved.

Currently, I’m looking for volunteers to keep the Scorebook data each game.  This is a “job” that requires a firm commitment for each game as it requires some pre-game planning.  Accurate record keeping helps us to reflect on what works and what doesn’t as well as plan for future games.

In the past few seasons, I have noticed many players are forgetting to bring water.  It is critical for players to remain hydrated, especially in warmer temperatures.  I’ve also noticed that more and more players are looking for sunflower seeds and/or bubble gum during games.  I would like to make the following proposal – if each player would like to chip in $10 for the season, I will provide water, seeds, and gum at each game.  Give me your feedback, is this a good idea?  A bad idea?  Let me know …

That’s all for now … start practicing and stay tuned for more information!


Coach Yarter

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