Thursday, March 21, 2013

Practice Schedule

Hello Cardinals!

I would like to let you all know of our newest addition, Jack Ricci.  Jack has been called up from farm to round out our team for this season.  He should be joining us next week for practice.  Let's give him a big Cardinals welcome!

Practice schedule for next week is as follows:

Tuesday, March 26:  7 - 8:30 p.m. - Burgess Lower Gym
Thursday, March 28:  6 - 7:30 p.m. - Burgess Lower Gym

Remember, if you cannot make it to practice, please let me know!

I can't tell you how anxious I am to get out on the field and have some real practices in the coming weeks.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate, the temps will rise, and the ground will firm up soon.  In the meantime, I encourage you all to keep those gloves handy and throw the ball around (outside!) when you have a chance.

See you next week!

Coach Yarter

Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Training

Hello Cardinals!

Thanks to everyone who made it to this week's practice.  I hope you enjoyed getting together to meet your coaches and teammates and you're excited for the upcoming baseball season!

As you may all know, we have a player on the DL who will miss Spring Training and likely the first game or two of the season.  Alex "Two Hands" Yarter broke his arm during the last snow storm and will be out for the next four weeks. 

I can't stress enough how important it is to remain safe and healthy as we move into the season and what will be a busier baseball schedule for most of you.

Our next practices are scheduled for the following dates:

Tuesday, March 19th ~ 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 20th ~ 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Friday, March 22nd ~ 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

I realize this is a heavy schedule this week but feel it is important for us to practice as a team as much as possible.  We will be evaluating and identifying players to move into some key fielding positions and this requires more time for development.  Let me know in advance if you are unable to make it to practice. 

A few League notes:

The use of the gymnasiums at Burgess is a privilege and we all must make every effort to be respectful while on the grounds and in the buildings of the school.  Consider yourselves guests and act accordingly.  No one should be outside of the gym during practice times.  If you need to use the restroom, make sure you ask a coach and go directly to the restroom and back.  There is to be NO wandering around the school or horseplay in the halls outside of the gym.  These practices are designed for players ONLY. 

Parents: If you are interested in having age and skill level appropriate siblings attend and participate, you must have PRIOR consent and approval by the Manager.  There are NO exceptions.

As a reminder, it is important to remain hydrated so bring WATER ONLY for yourself.  Please do not bring any other food or drink into the gym for practice.

Indoor practices use soft baseballs and tennis balls.  Please do not bring any other type of ball into the gym for practice.

That's all for now ... let me know if you have any questions!

Play Ball!

Coach Yarter