Thursday, March 6, 2014

Become a SLL Volunteer!

Why Should I Become a Volunteer?
Little League Baseball and Softball is an organization designed to build good citizens. It is a program of leadership, preparing today's youth to be tomorrow's leaders. At the local level, Little League relies on a devoted legion of adult volunteers to help ensure that the organization remains structured and runs smoothly. The Sturbridge Little League (SLL) program is always looking for responsible and enthusiastic individuals to support and coordinate Little League events and activities. As a volunteer, you should have a keen interest in the safety, well-being, and overall development of children. 

Who Can Volunteer*?
Anyone can apply to become a volunteer. Whatever talents or skills you have, we can use them! Volunteers are grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles, retirees, community leaders, former Little Leaguers, friends, neighbors, and more. Anyone who wishes to become a volunteer may apply.

All parents of children involved in Little League Baseball are strongly encouraged to volunteer. As a parent volunteer, you have the opportunity to spend quality time with your child in a safe, fun-filled environment. Oftentimes, parent and child social lives parallel each other. Volunteering allows your life and your child's life to intersect on common ground, with shared interests and goals. 

How Do I Become A Volunteer?
First, fill out the 2014 Little League Volunteer Application and CORI form.  SLL will announce multiple opportunities throughout the year when volunteer help is needed for the success of an event or activity.  

What Can I Volunteer To Do?
No experience is required to become a volunteer. Most of the volunteer opportunities require little or no training. The League will provide you with any necessary training (as well as support and encouragement!) The best volunteers are those who are able to bring added enjoyment to the game simply by being themselves. What you see during Little League games is a mere fraction of what you can do as a volunteer. You can volunteer to help in virtually any aspect of Little League Baseball.

Current Opportunities
Currently, SLL is seeking volunteers for the following committees:

Opening Day Committee
Concessions Committee

Please contact the SLL if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.

*On rare occasions, Little League, through District Administrators and your local Board of Directors, may deny individuals the privilege of volunteering for reasons, past or present, that may be detrimental to the positive development of young people, other volunteers, and/or Little League International. When you apply to become a volunteer, you give the local Little League organization the right to conduct necessary background checks.

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