Thursday, May 30, 2013

6 - 6 - 2

Well, HELLO 2013 SLL Cardinals!  With the warm (I  mean, hot) weather approaching and the re-energized players on the field last night, I felt a new blog post was long overdue.

So, how ’bout those Cardinals last night?!  I guess the four-days-in-a-row-practice-until-they-drop tactic worked!  The defense of this team has come a long way and your hard work is finally paying off.  Superb fielding, skillful pitching, and “live” bats gave the team a long overdue WIN. 


Hats off to our pitchers; Devin, Joe, and Alex, for keeping their cool on the mound and shutting down a slew of batters last night - well done, boys.

Some other plays that deserve special mention:

TYLER – you were on FIRE with that solid shot into left field to bring in the FIRST run.  IMPRESSIVE!

EVAN – kudos for keeping that ball in front of you and holding most Rockies runners to singles.   WTG!

DEVIN – Dude, nice diving catch at the fence.  You ROCK and totally deserve that ice cream!

BEN-JAMIN’ – awesome catch in the final inning of the game.  WICKED!

It’s hard to believe the season is in its final weeks.  And busy weeks they will be.  Practices will pick up to give this team the best chance possible to secure a spot in the final round of the Playoffs.  It can happen if you boys want it – I mean reeaaallllyy want it.

BUT, you can't just SAY you want it.  You have to PLAY like you want it.   It’s much more than just suiting up and getting out on the field as a team – you need to practice and develop yourself as an athlete.  The only way to beat the other teams is to be better than the other players.  

Run faster, swing harder, throw farther.    

Well, ARE YOU READY!?!?!?!?

Then let’s PLAY BALL!

THURSDAY: Practice – 5:30 @ TRHS (Coach will be at the field by 4:30)
FRIDAY:  Game vs. Rays – 5:30 @ TRHS (Arrive NO LATER than 5:00 for warm-ups)
SATURDAY:  Go enjoy the splash fest on the town common.  Bring your own “aquatic blaster” – NO water balloons allowed.
SUNDAY:  Game vs. Rays - 1:00 @ Town Barn (Arrive NO LATER than 12:30 for warm-ups)

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