Monday, September 16, 2013

Week Three Practice and Game Schedule

Schedule for Week Three

A reminder:  If you are unable to make it to practice or a game, please notify your coach(es) as soon as possible.  If we know in advance you can't make it, we won't send out the search party!  Oh, and your coaches can better prepare the team rosters without last minute gaps.


TORNADOES:  Friday, 5:30 PM - Town Barn

BLIZZARDS:  Tuesday, 5:30 PM - Burgess
                     Wednesday, 5:30 PM - Burgess

WARRIORS:  Wednesday, 5:00 PM - Town Barn

Game Schedule:

Friday, September 20

6:00 PM  --  Warriors @ Grafton

Saturday, September 21

10:00 AM  --  Tornadoes @ Dudley
5:00 PM  --  Warriors @ Leicester

Blizzards - stand by - game TBA

Sunday, September 22

1:00 PM  --  Warriors v. Leicester - HOME
1:00 PM  --  Tornadoes @ Auburn
4:00 PM  --  Blizzards v. Leicester - HOME

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