Monday, September 9, 2013

Week Two - SCHEDULE UPDATE and Notes

Due to scheduling conflicts we have made changes to this week's games.

9/12  5:30 PM  GREEN @ Auburn -  CANCELLED  (Have fun at Camp Bournedale 6th graders!)

The schedule for 9/14 and 9/15 is as follows:

Saturday - 9/14

10:00 AM  - WHITE v. North Brookfield - HOME
  2:00 PM  -  GOLD v. Oxford - HOME
  4:30 PM  -  GREEN v. North Brookfield - HOME

Sunday - 9/15

10:00 AM  -  GOLD v. Charlton - HOME
  1:00 PM  -  WHITE v. Dudley - HOME
  4:00 PM  -  GREEN v. West Brookfield - HOME

1:00 PM - GOLD @ Auburn -- CANCELLED


Well, we made it though Week One.  Great job by all the players and many thanks to all the parents, grandparents, siblings and friends for cheering them on and helping out with book-keeping, base umping, transportation, and general team spirit!

We have gained some players and lost some players throughout the first week of Fall Ball.  As a result, the players on GOLD and WHITE are being re-evaluated for proper team placement.  The goal of fall ball is to allow players the opportunity to explore new positions, develop and improve on skill levels, prepare for Spring, remain competitive with other teams and towns, and above all - TO HAVE FUN!

Stay tuned for updates and additional announcements!

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