Wednesday, October 16, 2013

End of Season Celebration - October 26th

Good Day Sturbridge Little League Fall Ball Families!!

Here's the scoop for our End of Season Celebration ...

Schedule of Events

11:00 AM - Tornadoes v. Blizzards in a four inning rematch!

1:00 PM - Lunch!  The poll is closed and it looks like we're having pizza.  Thank you to everyone who volunteered to bring sweets and treats for dessert!  If anyone would like to donate beverages (kid-friendly), let me know!

2:00 PM - Warriors v. Coaches/Parents  (Parents, if you want to play, please let me know via email!)

4:30 PM - Closing Remarks
                  Information regarding Spring, 2014 Registration and Try-Outs

The Rules of Engagement  -  include but are not limited to:

  1. All players (under the age of 18) are allowed to practice prior to EOS games on the 26th.
  2. Coaches/Parents are NOT allowed to gather and/or practice as a team in any way prior to taking the field at 2:00 PM on October 26th.
  3. Final rosters must be submitted to the EOS Game Official (me) no later than the 25th for both teams.
  4. All equipment used on the 26th must comply with standard Little League rules and regulations.
I reserve the right to modify these rules as necessary.  

I have been stalking the forecasters on and NOAA (which is shut down, BTW) to see how our weather is shaping up for the EOS festivities.  From what I can tell it's going to be .. uhmmm ... brisk!  Yes, brisk .. so dress warmly whether you intend to be on the field or off!

As you know, seating is limited at Town Barn, so bring chairs if you want to be able to sit during the games or lunch.

As always, let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions!

I've decided to start using my gmail account for all things baseball (who knew there would be so much!)  From this point forward, please feel free to get in touch with me at the following address:

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