Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Week Four Recap and Notes

Well, we made it through the weekend ... barely.

Let's start with the highlights!

The Blizzards had back to back wins this weekend, giving the team a much needed boost to their confidence.  Despite having only eight Sturbridge players for Saturday's game at Grafton's "Mini Fenway" (please, please, please let your Coaches know if you can't make it to a game!) the Blizzards still pulled off a win.  Kudos to Matt for some excellent pitching and fielding from the hill.  Mason totally rocked first base and Ryan let little slip by his crouch behind the plate.  Nick's triple and some smart base running brought in seven for the Blizzards.

Dudley hosted Sturbridge on Sunday in the second win of the weekend.   Solid pitching by Ty-Ger and The Big E combined with a peppering of base hits and aggressive base running by Scooter, Ben-jamin', Erik the Great, and O-O (to name just a few) was topped off with a MONSTER hit by Josh that brought him all the way home in the bottom of the 5th.

Well done, Blizzards!

Tornadoes take the 14-8 win on 9/22 against Dudley!  Andrew Shelby made his first appearance behind the plate and definitely made an impression on the Coaches.  The field execution of the team continues to take major strides and improves week to week.  Fast bats by Robyn, Hunter, Dom, Jack, and Joe brought in runner after runner.

Despite the loss to Leicester on Sunday, the Tornadoes played well.  Ryan made his catching debut and Andrew continues to improve his skills behind the plate.  Great pitching by Jack and Colby!  Notable hits by Colby, Jack, Joe, and Nathan W.

I'm still looking for photos of the Tornadoes games!  Even if you have only taken a shot or two - please send them along!

Let's not dwell on the trio of losses by the Warriors.  Perhaps the light weekend schedule coming up will rejuvenate the players and get them back on top.  Highlights from the weekend include a rocket by Dan S that landed at the fence and brought him all the way home - woohoooo!  JT keeps everyone on the edge of their seats with his outright bold and daring steals - Dude, I actually hold my breath!  Roman continues to boggle batters from the mound and the collective Warriors team send the ball soaring more often than not.  We all hope to welcome Griff back this week after being on the DL for all of last weekend's games.

I want to give a special mention to Connor who demonstrated exceptional sportsmanship on the field Friday night.  Connor not only apologized to the batters who were hit by a couple of wild pitches - he also made it a point to apologize to the coach.  While we all know sometimes pitches get a little out of hand (pun intended) - it was the Connor's genuine thoughtfulness towards the batters and team that we should all focus on.  Bravo, Connor!

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